Feng Shui, like acupuncture, is one of the 8 branches of Tao. It is an ancient Chinese practice of arranging buildings, objects, and space in a way that creates harmony and balance, attuned with nature. Feng shui means “the way of wind and water.” Flow. I am a Feng Shui Consultant. Ever since I can remember I altered my space to find comfort, expansion, and to bring things back into balance. The Feng Shui method I practice is a mixture of styles, from Traditional to Modern. I also draw on my experience in Design, Sound Healing and Kundalini Yoga. Everything is energy. You, your home, and everything in your home. I have no doubt that your home affects your life and that if we can direct these energies, we can change and direct the energies of your life. My approach to shifting the energy in a home revolves around focused intention, clearing out stagnation, restoring balance and connection, while tapping into your deepest desires. This type of Feng Shui and interior design is all about connection, energy and intention. Making connections with yourself, your space, your life and desires. Harnessing theses energies to invite in flow and expand your energetic container. Working with the intentions you have for your life to deepen your experience and create a home that is in alignment with your deepest wishes - and actually reflects these back to you. This process will transform the energy of your home and your life, it’s super activating! You will simply feel the difference, and people coming into your space will feel it too. Unlike traditional interior design, this process actually connects you with your space, your things, and your energy. You become the creator of your space, the cultivator of the energy around you, and the magnet for all the flow the Universe has to offer. This process gives you tools and practices to create a space that nurtures and supports you, as well as helps you to surf the waves of life. When our home is in balance we are in balance.
Feng Shui can be used to: Activate your potential Attract opportunities Bring clarity to indecision Bring flow into your space and life Claim and clear a space after remodel, moving into a new space, divorce or death Clear negative energies Reenergize your life